The strength of the human-pet bond is undeniable. The relationship between Kersti Palmer and her beloved Borzoi, Oscar, is portrayed in Victor Beltran's original artwork "Compassion" done in 2003 (available from ASTORINO, Pittsburgh, PA). For over two years, Kersti nursed Oscar through multiple life-threatening illnesses, including extended periods when he was unable to walk. Thanks to Kersti, Oscar not only regained the ability to walk, but thrived and amazed his veterinary caregivers. Kersti's admirable care for Oscar and her other pets inspired her to open her own business, KP Creations for Canines, so that all pets could benefit from her knowledge and experience.
Kersti and the experiences of other friends with their pets were also inspirational to me. Without their support, Gentle Journey Veterinary Hospice would not exist. Thanks to the generosity of Kersti and Victor, "Compassion" appears on the cover of theGentle Journey brochure. I am also grateful for the hard work and support of Heather Walls, Dan Rehak, Sue Mayer, and Dan Ruffing. Gentle Journey is also a tribute to my beloved cat, Rascal. He came into my life when I was a veterinary student and his ability to love had no bounds. I would not be who I am today if not for him.
Our pets change our lives and make us better people.
Please submit tributes of your own pet for us to share.